What Change from Paris?

It seems so much has changed in the last month. Selena came through with a slender, looking body, definitely hotter looking style than what she has been wearing. With a whole new side of confidence, which looks mighty good on her. But something flipped the switch of this duo. And I’m not talking about Selena and Justin. I’m talking about Selena and Hailey. But what exactly switched. All eyes are on Selena that’s for sure. While the only eyes really on Hailey are her fans. When she first came out has Mrs. Justin Bieber and she definitely made a point to let everyone know she was Mrs. Bieber. It seemed as if she was the Princess of New York. She had everybody fooled. That’s right, if she was one classy lady, not just a classy lady… she was a Christian classy lady with no past. At least that’s what she wanted everyone, especially Justin to believe, no bad past. The only problem is that somebody somewhere always screenshot everything. Somebody somewhere always remembers everything every celebrity does. And although she tried to wipe as much as possible off the Internet, yachting, her party days, sleeping with people. It all came back. Yeah, if she would’ve been the good wife and woman to Justin Bieber, she would’ve been accepted. But she couldn’t pull it off. No not even for a year. Because once she became Mrs. Justin Bieber, she got a whole new attitude. And that attitude was her shit didn’t stink and she was the new queen in town.

She didn’t say hello to Paparazzi that used to just push her to the side. Instead of being nice to them and suck it up a little bit. She put her nose up, her nose down, but couldn’t give her fans or the paparazzi the time of day. So what happened? They went away. Yes there are some die hard heavy fans and I’m realizing many of them are very young. The reason I know is because the age group comes up on my sites of who’s interacting and writing on my post so now I have a bunch of 12 year olds, which I have nothing against them but I don’t want to be fighting with 12 year-old girls. But if that’s who she’s targeting for her lip gloss that’s extremely her business. I got to mention this speaking about lipgloss. So Hailey just put out I think four lip balms if I’m not mistaken and there’s a company that was founded in 2018 by 2 influencers and their brand is called Summer Fridays, and I believe they’re sold at Sephora. It’s honestly sadly that Hailey does not have her own identity. And I would actually feel badly for her if she wasn’t in the scheme of doing so many horrible things.

Not only did she severely hurt Selena Gomez. She continued with using the name Rhode when she already approached the owners of this company, and asked them for their name, which they imply no. So this company took. Hailey to court surprise surprise guess who won. I would have some sympathy for this girl, but her close friends besides one have not too many nice things about her. The people that she pretended to like and be close to near Justin she dropped them like a hot cake once she married Justin. So basically they were just being used. Ok Ok…So now let’s get back to where we were at and what’s going on with the whole situation in the last month and since Paris with Hailey.

Like I said before, as soon as she gets back from her trip, she drags Justin to be seen out and about. But this time she has a cold, that she just can’t seem to get rid of. She’s never posted about a cold before in five years. But what I hear from close sources things were different when she got back from Paris. Justin wasn’t that little puppy dog that she controlled. In fact, he was a little bit rebellious. So it looks like until they figure out what they’re gonna do, or until they finally come to an end, it looks like they’re at a dual. And it seems as Hailey is the one that’s losing. I’ve heard that she’s cried many tears in the last couple weeks, and I don’t like to hear that about anyone. But I think that’s karma. I do hear there are lots of loose ends that needs to be tied before anything comes to an end. But I will leave you with this when Justin wears funky outfits when Hailey’s all dressed up, it’s on purpose. And for Hailey’s launch when he came with that gray jogging outfit with a pink cap looking like a cupcake he wanted to embarrass Hailey.

When is enough? When do you cut your ties and say I love myself to take all this shit I’ve been taking from him for the last 5 years. There’s been minimal amount of real love there. Let it go, in the long run it will feel good.! But she has her dad for advice so she doesn’t need anybody else’s, just something I heard. She’s not one for taking advice. On that note I have to say… to be continued. As always, Much Love ♥️


What’s Going on Behind Closed Doors?


Selena, Justin, Hailey in Paris