The Foursome Mess?

What the heck is going on with the four of these individuals? Shouldn’t it be Justin and Hailey. That would be one couple and then we have Selena and Benny, that would be another couple. Why the heck is going on with these four? They seem like the trio couldn’t let go. But now somehow Benny is chiming in. As Selena once said “ This is getting a little silly”. But it’s picking up speed. But why now? Benny seemed to be staying neutral, being that he was Justin‘s friend at one point. But it seems the closer he gets to Selena the stronger their bond gets. His feelings are growing. He’s also stepping up his man game and I believe Selena Is enjoying that. She likes to see Benny more manful.

So many people asked me about Justin changing lyrics, and the song “Hold On” So I did a calling and went to a couple good sources, and they said that yes, he did change the words, and it was on purpose, and it was for Selena to see and hear. But Justin’s known to do that. And if he does do that it’s with a purpose. People also asked me if Selena is changing her profile pic to the one that she did was it because in the photoshoot she was wearing a nine. So I looked into that and they said that was kind of a fetch. Only because in 2020 when the photoshoot was taken, she wasn’t with Justin. So meaning that Justin might not relate to the picture being almost 4 years old. If he was in a relationship with her at that time, maybe. But other than that, that’s reaching far. But only Selena can truly confirm what’s going on in her head.

I know they do crazy things. Another one is Benny covering the nine and looks like the six on his phone pad… on the back of his phone. So of course while I got a couple people on the phone I figured I’d might as well just ask about that. One because I felt that it was on purpose, and it was. Benny seems to be hanging out with Selena a bit more these days and it bothers Justin very much. One because Benny was Justin‘s friend. Not just somebody he worked with, but a friend. Secondly, he’s with his ex girlfriend that he asked to marry, that he wanted to marry, that he still seems to have strong feelings for and he can’t seem to let go. I believe it’s both ways, though. And Justin also feels that’s something a friend shouldn’t do. Lastly he was supposed to help Justin out with his album. Sadly I don’t think that is happening.

So why are they acting all crazy. And where the heck has Hailey been. She’s taking on the role of Justin’s wife very seriously. Or maybe she’s feeling depressed or defeated. That’s been rolling around. Sadly what can you do? She is the only one that can do anything about it. Until then, this trio, plus Benny is going to keep going. Until someone gets off this crazy ride. But I believe Justin and Selena deep down believe they have unfinished business. I do believe that fate between them was fucked with. So hopefully someone, maybe a higher power can make it right. Until then it’s like watching a ping pong match. It goes back and forth. Or a carousel that we can seem to get off. I know we look like we change our minds a lot. No that’s how often they change their minds and we just tell you what we hear.

We really do work hard making calls all day, getting information. Come to a free zoom on Wednesday at 8 PM Eastern time. You don’t have to show your face, and you don’t have to talk. You can actually just write your message or question in the comment section. If you’re interested, please, DM me!

Much love 💗


Superbowl Drama??


What’s Going On? Foursome 😳