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Let’s Talk About Justin’s Pop Star Life & What Happened In Between 🤔

Justin Bieber became a pop sensation. He was a happy boy that seemed to become a troubled young man. But what the hell happened? He was a boy, so by no means am I blaming him for anything that he might have gotten into at his age. And by no means am I giving him a pass. But where the fuck was his parents at the age of 15 when they handed him over to Diddy for a 48 hour Boot Camp. Saying on camera that he signed and Usher. And we all know that he had sex with Usher. And what was such a secret that Diddy said he couldn’t let anyone know of their disclosed location or what was going to go down. For a 15 year old boy parents I would be a little apprehensive to leave my child there, but yet they did. And what went on? We see Diddy where Kevin Hart is interviewing him, and Diddy admits that he slept in bed with Usher. We see Kevin scratching his head as if he’s thinking Wtf is going on. So what did happen? So I went to my sources!

Every young child would want to have nice things. If they said that you could have cars and houses and everything you desired, but at what cost? So when Justin was just 15 he was put under Diddy’s 48 hour Boot Camp. Where things happened that Justin still doesn’t talk about. There is footage of Justin is very hesitant with Diddy, where Diddy says to Justin, you don’t talk to me anymore, you don’t call me anymore, you don’t answer my phone calls, we’re Justin replies oh… I got a new phone…number nervously. And Diddy says well, give me your new number and you can obviously see that Justin is nervous. There’s also video that’s circulating out there that says in the industry of pop and rap it’s what happens. Many times is when you go hang out with these people like Diddy, and they give you a drink and they drug you and they rape you and videotape you. And you have no idea. So when you go to sign your contract, they bring out this video of what happened to you. You have no idea so you just don’t want it out there and just go along with the contract they give you.

But if you keep quiet and go along with it, you keep leveling up which I believe happened to Justin Bieber. But I also believe that Justin Bieber got in the hands of a bunch of men in the industry that did not have his best interest at heart. But the thing is with Justin, as he got older he started to talk about the industry, in a way that the industry did not like. They really did not want him talking. Where to the point that videos popped up from the past like when Justin was giving head to OBJ, where they realize, and Justin looks like he just saw a deer in the headlights.

Let’s move forward where we see Justin, trying to get closer with the church. He even starts singing God orientated songs, and even doing a little preaching about the man upstairs. Which the industry did not like at all. Next thing he ends up with this Ramsey Hunt syndrome. Is this a power-play from the industry to tell him to get back in line? I mean look what they did to Britney Spears. She didn’t stay in line. She was like a loose cannon, and they gave her medication pretty much that she’ll never be the same. She lost her children. They even took away her husband both of them, when they asked her not to write the book, or say many of the accusations she has said. So she’s going to be 42 years old this December and sadly we have a very talented girl who is happy twirling in home videos in her home.

But we’re here to talk about Justin so let’s get back to that. So as I was saying, Justin stepped out of line, and he went to talk about God. And they are doing everything possible to get him back in line. And how do they do this? With blackmail! So, although you see Justin Bieber around about, we haven’t heard of any big news and we think that it’s because he’s wanting to leave the industry and he does but doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to do what he loves in his terms, but he can’t. And why, because he stepped out of line, he walked off to do his own thing and be his own person and he has lost his status.

What I see is a Justin Bieber that is struggling in life. Like I said, I’m not giving him a pass for the things that he’s done, not at all. But I am blaming his mother and father, for allowing him to hang out with men that were inappropriate. Do you remember when all the allegations happen with Michael Jackson? And I am not by any means swaying a decision that I believe or disagree. But I would never allow my child to go and stay on a overnight slumber party at Michael Jackson’s house knowing of the allegations. I think he’s the Prince of Pop, love, his music, love him, but my child staying there overnight with him would be a no. As parents, we are here to advocate, and to keep our children safe and that’s something that Justin‘s parents did not do. They completely failed. They did not stand front and center to protect their child. In fact, they gave into every aspect of Justin‘s demise, from the get go. They did not look out for him. They set him up to fail, and where are they now? You don’t hear about them you don’t see them, they’re just gone.

Meanwhile, this young man had to endure all this crap by himself. All because his parents did not step in. And you have people like Diddy that are more than happy to sexually abused children at a drop of a hat. Justin’s parents should’ve been there to protect their son and they weren’t. They left him at a early age. So how can they even call themselves parents. More so we see Justin still struggling like he has a monkey on his back.

And did Hailey’s fall of fame help this couple to both get back on the same page to get back into the church? Is this a reason why Justin stays with Hailey because she’s realizing that she’s not quite that person. Do you remember the white party on July 3rd and I posted Hailey was upset. All the influencers were saying it was because Justin was having fun and she was mad. And I said you were allowed to write me and I would tell you the reason. And the reason was that they were doing some kind of ritual and Justin was chanting and that’s why Hailey was upset. Because, although they would participate and mingle to a certain point, they wouldn’t participate in anything that was ungodly.

There’s so much to this story and it goes deep into the Kardashian and Jenners and maybe why they aren’t as close as they used to be. Part two coming up. I just want to know why does Justin stay in the Hollywood community? If he wants out, why doesn’t he completely leave And go back to Canada? There’s so much to dig into and now I’m curious. I’m going to dig deep to find out! 🤔