Why On Earth Would Justin & Hailey Be the New Power Couple?

     I'd like to say first off please don't believe everything you see and hear. Most of the time these publications are getting paid to put out the media you read and see. And that's what's going on with Justin and Hailey. What have they done to be a power couple? Why do I bring this up? Because I've been reading that Justin and Hailey are going to be the new power couple. Really? Humm? Let's take a step back for a moment. Justin wants to fire his manager because his manager is making him work🤔 Before they smudged the numbers, both Drew and Rhode where not doing well. But ok, whatever. Hailey hasn't been getting the work she did when she first became Mrs. Bieber, partly because she doesn't want to work and partly because things changed with her after the whole bullying incident. In fact these companies that use Hailey for their product have gotten a lot of backlash that leaves them unsure if they made the right decision in using her to represent their brand.

    When they first got together Justin wasn't doing quite well when they rushed to the courthouse to say their "I do's". In fact they had to give him oxy's to get him to the altar and the judge knew he was high and didn't feel comfortable marrying the two but money talks, and he did. The next day the new Mrs. Bieber wanted to show her new husband to everyone. She brings him out all f*cked up where a viral video of him shaking on Meth, (I have it posted) scratching a girls back and everyone laughing saying Awe... where the hell was his wife? And why put him in that situation? To me this doesn't sound like a power couple. It gets better...

     Slowly he got himself together. And he was going to go on tour but he couldn't sell out to bigger venues anymore, he was going to have to go to smaller venues and then Covid hit. During this period, he got himself together a little bit more and went back into the studio and made some really good music. At this point, you might say that they could head to be a power couple. They made a few documentaries and things were looking up. Until he went on tour and things came crashing down quickly. I'm not going to get into what he may or may not have had been going on in this video. My point is his touring was over. He needed time to heal. So what's my point?  They had five years to achieve being a power couple and weren't successful. And from what I see and hear, Justin is looking worse than ever. And not from his mental health. Mental illness sure doesn't make you look like you need a go to rehab. But that's what he needs is rehab. But Hailey isn't going to allow that. And I personally don't think Justin is ready to go. So Hailey is going to make his decisions. Really? Yes, she is his wife and should be involved with his decision making. But we know Hailey, and she already has been. And how does that seem to be going for them? What credentials does Hailey have to make major decisions on Justin's business interactions. At this point it seems that he needs a top professional to get his business life in order not a wife that does not have a business degree or any type of financial degree. Maybe the problem isn't that Justin can't do it, maybe he doesn't want to do it because he never had to. He left it to the professionals. And I think Justin should stop leaving it to Hailey because I honestly don't think she has his best interest at hand. But until Justin gets his head together he's going to continue making bad decisions. Lastly, Justin has been sitting around the 300 million mark pretty much before and after he sold his catalog. That is not my business, but from what I hear they are both going through his money like water. And let's not forget they're paying for both parents living. That's a big load for a 29 year old. But he's been doing this since he started. He just accrued a whole new family to take care of in 2018 when he married Hailey. Someone, anyone help this man! Like for real!

I do extensive amount of research before I post to make sure I'm bringing you the truth. I wanted to get this out. I'm writing from work quickly. So thank you for reading. Much Love ❤️ Written by: Barbara Jeanne Administrator: Ki💐


Hailey Leaked What???


What’s Going On? Crazy Justin & Hailey Internet Stories! True Or????