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Inner Circle Samples

Barbara Jeanne Barbara Jeanne

Justin & Wtf is Going On

People may think that I pick on Hailey, But honestly, before I was invested even writing about them I actually didn’t even know who Hailey Baldwin was. In fact, the only Baldwin I really was familiar with was Alec. I think that the other Baldwin brothers kind of fell off somewhere in the 90s. And since then we haven’t heard much of the Baldwin brothers.

But behind the scenes, Stephen Baldwin seems that he has been a very busy camper. He has plotted his way into Justin Bieber‘s life way back in 2009. Since then he has plotted and pushed Hailey to be a part of Justin’s life. But it wasn’t that they just wanted him to be a part of their life, they had a whole plan lined out. So there they began Stephen Baldwin, and Hailey Baldwin plotting and pushing their agenda. And what was their agenda you ask? to marry Justin Bieber.

So you could say that she obtained the prize. You may think that he may have loved her more than Selena. Yes Justin and Selena had a turbulence relationship. But they were together longer and more than you may have known, and had many amazing memories. But I think there was way more than just plotting. How did a casual meeting at The Morning Show become a visit on set to the making of Justin Bieber Baby video. After that we saw Hailey in the background of Justin in so many random videos clips it actually became very creepy. How did Stephen Baldwin end up at the same airport in Detroit that Justin Bieber was at. And when Justin Bieber calls him out on it, he acted like he was surprised with the faint… oh yeah!!! Yeah, Stephen Baldwin knew his ass was there with Justin Bieber because Stephen to, was stalking him. And what was weird if you know anything about voodoo or witchcraft, whatever you wanna call it, asking for a clump of hair is rather Peculiar. And definitely don’t take a random item that’s on the disc. If they say that they can put Satanic shit on a record they definitely can put it on a cd disc.

Oh, it seems so scary or pretty concerning justin doesn’t remember, he has said he felt like he was sleeping during the events leading up to being engaged and married. Was it voodoo or brainwashing or living in a cloud or even maybe being high have something to do with that? And it seems as no one cares anymore, or wonders what happened to make Justin and Selena break up. Justin asked Selena to marry him, he gave her a ring and they were going to counseling, but in the midst of this all he remembered that he loved Hailey more? That seems rather peculiar. When they had so much history of saying they were going to get married… but in 2 month Justin’s feelings changed that much for Selena to marry Hailey? The girl known as friends with benefits???

Are we becoming brainwashed? We seem to forget the events that happened prior. Everybody was saying his songs were all about Selena. Did they use music to speak to each other? The license plate on the ghost video? Selena single “Single Soon” clues in her video? How people really disliked Hailey? Do we forget that we thought that she was doing voodoo, black magic on Justin? Oh wait let’s not forget the reason why he wanted to get married was to start a family and have a baby, That he would’ve had if he would’ve stayed with Selena.

But yet five years into the relationship Hailey still did not get pregnant. And why? That’s a whole other article. But isn’t it the reason why they ran to the courthouse to get hitched, and the judge told him that they need to clean him up, sober him up before he would marry them? Let’s not forget that their contract had come and passed when Hailey presented a plan to now have a baby. But they already had new partners. So why turn around and do it now? Was Hailey becoming quickly irrelevant, and that’s something that her and Stephen Baldwin weren’t ready to be. Was Stephen Baldwin upset that he might actually have to work? Justin was giving everyone money, including Stephen Baldwin and Stephen Baldwin hadn’t been working? Just collecting a paycheck from Justin? 🤦🏻‍♀️

So we have a guy named Dylan, who is a Justin impersonator. He has a video on his page where he explains his transformation to becoming Justin in an interview. And although in his head, he knows he’s Dylan. He lives his life daily as Justin Bieber. He can sing and dance, and he has concerts as Justin. So is Dylan going to step in? I’m hearing he might be.. a big possibility. And we all know about Hugo. Let’s just say a Justin look alike. How do you know the difference? Dylan facial features are different, but people still go crazy over him like he’s Justin. And he definitely can pull off being Justin with sunglasses. Hugo is harder to tell. Well if you see him smiling or more romantic, like at Coachella, that would be Hugo. The wedding renewal vow was Hugo.

But is this fair to Justin? Isn’t he the one with the true unbelievable talent? Isn’t Justin Bieber the prodigy child? If you said yes to those questions then why are we even jumping ship to Hailey’s side. Did we forget how everyone told her to stop posting on Justin’s page? But now it’s ok? Why? I’m just curious? So they produce a baby. Wait let’s not forget everyone thought she used a surrogate. Which is awesome. But without Justin knowing. But what if it wasn’t Justin’s sperm or Hailey’s eggs and they used a young girl? Still ok. But let me say it again. Justin did not know, nor did he want this situation. Is that too far to go?

This is where it gets weird. Both Justin and Hailey were already with different partners. Justin did his contract. So now you want to pull him in without his want or free will? That’s where I think it went terribly wrong. That shit is just wrong. So Justin was waiting for his divorce announcement, Not a vowel renewal, and certainly not a baby announcement. So you can see why Justin may have been looking less thrilled than a father to be. But somehow Hailey got what she wanted and now we have a baby. There’s not a pic but Hailey sitting with a babies foot to announce its arrival. Yet we already have tons on fake pics circulating. So somewhere we forgot about the truth and just like Ai pics. Are we now living in a fantasy world, where the truth is no longer needed or care if it even is the truth.

I will make a Part 2. All I can say is that everything going on right now is an illusion. If it was a real event, Justin world have been looking over the moon, not crying. We wouldn’t have been wondering why Hailey’s belly size was all over the place. We knew they were living separately. Hailey said it herself and Justin made a point to arrive alone and leave alone unless forced to by the suits. This is a circus. If Justin and Hailey are not looking happy at all, then why are we? 🤷🏻‍♀️

For Entertainment Purposes Only?

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Barbara Jeanne Barbara Jeanne

The Pregnancy Truth Pt 1

Hailey and Justin‘s contract came to an end in September 2023. We slowly saw the Couple that was once always together with the paparazzi cameras flashing and their videos rolling, seem to become almost non existent. What people thought would be the next power couple, started to become a thing of the past. No longer were they having their awkward walks. No longer were they having moments were you thought they might have a chance of happiness. That seem to become little to less, to almost non existent. And by Christmas, it was just basically all gone.

But strangely enough, Hailey with her family intact showed up to celebrate Christmas with Justin and his family. Justin was quite surprised. In fact, I believe they said that Justin sister was even nice enough to give her Christmas pajamas to Hailey. After Christmas, pretty much any picture that you saw with Hailey was the look alike Justin, (let’s just say) and not the real Justin. I believe the next time she actually saw Justin was when Judah invited Justin to a fake birthday party. But it wasn’t a birthday party at all. It ended up being a meeting. Justin was having a birthday party after this meeting that Hailey did not attend. So what was this meeting about? That their divorce announcement that was being delayed, seemed to have changed and they now had a different idea.

So what was this idea? Justin certainly was eagerly waiting for the divorce announcement, so he had no idea what was going to go down. And boy was he surprised. They had new plans. And those plans were to not announce the divorce but because of Hailey it was now to renew their vows and that Hailey was going to have a baby. But we wonder how did this even come about when they hadn’t been together in several years, so that’s why Justin seems so confused. In fact they both had moved on to different partners. But Hailey quickly realized she was becoming irrelevant quicker than she imagined.

So what exactly did Justin find out about the situation that was going to go on? They were going to announce their divorce but what they wanted him to now do is renew their vows. But it wasn’t Justin at the renew of the vow ceremony? His double of course, but that’s another story. So let’s move on. Here’s a big question? How did Hailey get pregnant? They inseminated Hailey but it didn’t take. So they inseminated another girl who is the surrogate. And here the lie begins. The problem here is no one knows including Justin or Hailey whose eggs and sperm did they actually used. I don’t know so I’m not going to make it up. Although I heard they wanted a little Justin to carry on the prodigy child. Which that is exactly what Justin was.

Let me say this before I continue. When I started this assignment it was to speak the truth about each. Not knowing too much of these three, Justin, Selena and Hailey. The first thing I realized was Justin and Selena had been put through so much. That’s when I felt the need to get the truth out. I was helping other influencers but I thought why don’t I just tell the truth. So my mission began. And I found it to be heartbreaking. What I still don’t get is why did Justin the person they considered the prodigy child. Why did he get the worse treatment?

Punishment. If you don’t do what you’re told, you get punished. This article is to not out the industry but to let people understand. When you’re in, you’re in. You don’t get that choice from here on out. Although I understand that, but most people they are allow to get off the hamster wheel. I just don’t understand why Justin can’t get rid of Hailey. Doing research and a deep dive I learned that her family runs dip with the elites. I’m still looking into this. I won’t say what I’m not 100% sure. So you know. I know no one is perfect, but I really am diligent to be as accurate as possible.

I can’t stress enough how Justin and Hailey have gone their own ways. That Justin is not in a contract, no… but this is part of the end process. Why does Hailey get to have the last win? You have to give to get, and whatever she did, it had to be pretty horrible. Although she’s coming home with something. Please know that if it comes out to be Justin’s, he will take care of the child. But he still will not be with Hailey. The reason he isn’t acting over the moon about this, is because it wasn’t done with love. It was done with a ritual. It put him in a situation where he never thought he’d be.

So what I hear neither Justin nor Hailey are going to be in the delivery room. They both await the call. There is 2 dates that I heard the first one was August 14, and that passed. The second one is August…let’s say very soon. Either way it’s their business. What I want to bring into light is that Justin would be happy to have a child if it was in love. With the person who he loved. To not know who, or what they used to get the surrogate pregnant is disturbing to him.

Lastly, please stop saying Justin is a drug addict or some crazy person because he’s striving to stay clean. And it’s easier without Hailey, he was unhappy and we all said and saw this. So let him be. And one other thing, please remember he’s not that young teenager kid that sang “Baby”. He’s a 30 year old man. He’s talent is still intact and he’ll use it, where and when he wants.

Remember Everything is for Entertainment Purposes Only! Part 2 is coming!

Date of delivery will be in my next video! 💜

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Barbara Jeanne Barbara Jeanne

After in-depth research and extensive conversations with sources close to the situation, I thoroughly analyzed the recent public appearances of the famous couple, Justin and Hailey Bieber, at the renowned Coachella festival. Despite keeping a low profile in the preceding months, the duo made a notable return at the event, sparking curiosity and speculation about the current state of their relationship. Furthermore, the mystery deepened with Hailey's elaborate Valentine's Day photo collection seemingly going unnoticed by Justin, who opted to share a peculiar image of Flavor Flav and connected with him on Instagram.
Being deeply committed to unraveling the latest in celebrity happenings, I hold steadfast to my dedication to uncovering the unembellished truth, regardless of any discomfort it might bring to certain individuals. My unblemished record of delivering accurate and groundbreaking news ahead of mainstream outlets attests to the reliability of my investigations. Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip. As a relationship counselor with years of experience, I must address the recent rumors surrounding Justin and Hailey's marriage. While many may see their relationship as a fairytale, it's essential to remember that every couple's dynamic is unique. The concept of having an open marriage, reportedly entertained by the couple, is a choice that does not align with traditional advice I provide to clients seeking guidance on healthy relationships. Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip
On the recent development between out ongoing revelations, it seems that there is confidence that all will eventually be brought to light. Despite initial expectations for a swifter emergence of the truth, the involvement of Hailey and her father in retaining Justin appears to be elongating the process. The question raised is valid - why maintain a grip on a relationship that isn't genuine?
For more intriguing celebrity news and gossip, keep following Barbara Jeanne.

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Barbara Jeanne Barbara Jeanne

Is Everything an Illusion?

Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip

The latest buzz circling on social media platforms hints at a concocted narrative involving Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin, Selena Gomez, and even Benny. These speculations seem to have taken a life of their own online, weaving a tale that may not necessarily align with reality. As of now, the details surrounding this alleged narrative remain murky, leaving many puzzled as to why Benny has been roped into the mix alongside the trio. At first everyone thought that Benny wasn’t attractive, not good enough for Selena. But people finally came around after Selena looking so happy that her fans felt that he may be good for her. But is it a pr contract that grew into a real caring relationship, absolutely, but a close friendship. Benny makes Selena feel beautiful, confident and loved. But will Selena spend her life with Benny? That I’m not so sure. Why? Because if she does go into the next phase of this relationship. It’s a friendship that grew, but a friendship, period. And from what I hear, if and when they do take it to another level. Sadly, it would be a relationship without love. I’m talking in love, and I’m not quite sure he would be the love of her life. But love, as a companion. I think she’s to young to use the companion card. But that’s entirely their business.
So while social media can be a space for rapid dissemination of information, it is crucial to approach such narratives with a discerning eye and a healthy dose of skepticism. Until there are concrete facts to shed light on the situation, it might be best to take these speculations with a grain of salt and focus on verified sources for any updates on Justin, Hailey, Selena, and the mysterious inclusion of Benny in this unfolding saga. They seem to have spent pretty much the days that we see on social media. And if you take a look at the pictures they have been manipulated to look like it’s many more days that they have hung out than in reality. But whatever makes them happy, but as I said it’s their business. I hear Benny is very good with Selena, they laugh a lot. He treats her well, and he gives her confidence that she hasn’t had in a while. But is that’s enough, I’m not sure.
Stay tuned as we continue to monitor the situation for any clarifications or developments in this intriguing digital storyline. Next we have Hailey and Justin. What a mess, this marriage became a bit of a circus. Hailey posting cryptic songs, fake pictures and what’s worse you have a father that’s encouraging this situation. I have people contacting me what the heck is going on. I continue to say it’s an illusion. Hailey wants you to believe that they are still together but at this point it’s absolutely silly. And by no means is she pregnant at least not by Justin. That’s a whole other story. Please don’t think she’s been waiting on Justin. I do my work and I work hard to find out the truth and so far we’ve been very accurate. We don’t flip flop back-and-forth. When we make a statement, we stand by it and I diligently make sure that I give updates if anything changes. Many YouTuber and pages such as Deuxmoi are flip-flopping back-and-forth because they are not sure. I’m not sure why they would want to look silly. That’s their business. But as I was saying you can never be 100% sure because everything changes but you have to do the legwork. You definitely got to find ways to get to the bottom of the truth. And that’s what I do and with that being said, I think that’s why we are so accurate in our information. We said about five weeks ago or more that the Bieber’s were over and done with. But Hailey and Stephen are holding on for dear life, but I think it’s coming to an end. We finally see Hailey came out without her wedding ring. Is she willing to let it go. We do know the answers. There’s so much behind-the-scenes. Our members know and it is pretty mind blowing. But it’s so personal. I cannot put it public so if you would like to know you can join our zoom. It’s 10.00 and you can cancel anytime. Please Stay informed with Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip for all the latest updates on your favorite stars. We’re going to dive into what’s going on with Diddy and the people he is naming and Justin happens to be one of them. We will be discussing all this in our next zoom Wednesday night at 8pm eastern time. Thank you for those who support us. Much Love ♥️

All is allegedly for entertainment purposes only!

Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip

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Barbara Jeanne Barbara Jeanne

Desperately Seeking Justin

When it seems like the celebrity scene is settling down, there's always a wildcard ready to shake things up. Ms. Hailey Baldwin has proven time and time again that she can keep us on our toes with her unexpected antics. Love her or hate her, there's no denying that her presence always adds a new dimension to the game. And games and illusions it is.
Onlookers are raising eyebrows at the recent behavior of Hailey, with some expressing concern that she may be crossing the line into stalker territory. The subject in question has reportedly been fixated on Justin, with some accounts suggesting that her actions could be classified as stalking. What's particularly alarming to people was that she somehow went from being a devoted fan to occupying the role of his wife, back to stalker. Back in the day she would get close to Justin’s friends to find out where he was. Only to shun them when Justin and Hailey got married. Unraveling the Drama Between Selena, Justin, and Hailey
In the intricate web of celebrity relationships, the saga between Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and Hailey Baldwin has been a subject of intense speculation. As Selena and Justin's paths could finally be aligned, whispers of manipulation and heartbreak surfaced, leaving many to question the tangled dynamics at play. Hailey came to steal Justin. But How?
Justin, once deeply entwined with Selena, found himself bewildered as Hailey allegedly orchestrated a rift between him and Selena. The transition from a proposal to Selena to a wedding with Hailey left him reeling with confusion and regret. The gravity of the situation seemingly amplified by the timing of events—caught in vulnerability, Justin faced unexpected twists that led him down a path he didn't foresee. A woman he never wanted.
Hailey's demeanor throughout this storm of emotions is a topic of intrigue. Reports suggest a nonchalant attitude towards the turmoil, fueling speculation about her true intentions in securing a commitment from Justin. The contrast between Selena's apparent persistence and Hailey's perceived indifference paints a complex picture of a love triangle gone awry. 6 years of trying to convince us that they had a loving relationship. When in fact it was the opposite.
People have a been trying to get true information to all these unanswered questions. Fans annd onlookers alike were left to parse through the pieces of this captivating narrative. Selena's alleged maneuvering, Justin's apparent bewilderment, and Hailey's perceived motives have stirred a cocktail of emotions, further blurring the lines between truth and speculation in the realm of celebrity affairs. As the marriage between Hailey and Justin began to the time period they parted, it seems as Justin is ready and eager to move on. While Hailey is desperately clinging to any hope of keeping the Bieber last name. Even if Justin is to move on, it seems long overdue. Ever since I started covering this trio, I saw, we all saw an extremely unhappy Justin. So now that Justin is so desperately trying to cut ties with Hailey, and her father, Hailey is fighting this tooth and nail? Trying so hard to not lose the Bieber last name. When many still wonder how she got it in the first place. When everyone knows Hailey was second choice from the beginning. Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin: Relationship Update
In the latest development with Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, it seems that Justin is looking to finalize their relationship status and move on. While he is eager to settle things, Hailey appears to be adamant about keeping the Bieber last name. This decision has sparked curiosity among fans as to why Hailey is determined to hold onto the famous name. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains unclear what the future holds for the once inseparable couple. That’s the biggest clue. They were once inseparable, because it was a contract that was made. You no longer see them, morning, noon and night. In fact it’s all an illusion that’s left. Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story. Next article will definitely update as the trio + Benny may have taken a twist of fate. This saga can change daily. But something’s are set in stone. Become a member and find out what truly is going on. Allegedly for entertainment purposes only😜 Love Always 🩷

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