Barbara Jeanne Celebrity Gossip

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Trio recap, and of course + Benny

Although this last week was rather quiet, I did keep on going with my researching and my sources just to see if there’s anything new to find out. And of course there always is. So let’s just jump into it. I hope you enjoy…. I do want to say that, I’m not here on anybody’s behalf or side. I just say what I hear, period. So with that being said, let’s go…

Selena and Benny went to Disneyland, and what I’ve heard from people that work there, that Selena and Benny seem to be very casual, in their own little world, and just enjoying themselves. But what they didn’t look was romantic. Someone said they look like two friends, having fun nothing more nothing less. But if Selena is happy and she’s with somebody who actually is being nice to her that’s always a plus. So no matter what the relationship is that’s between them two, I truly believe that if it turns into something more, then that would just be entirely up to Selena Gomez. But having a good friend, someone to have fun with and truly care about you is awesome. Let’s not forget I’m sure he’ll make sure that Selena puts out a kick ass album. So good for her.

I did want to touch base really quick about something about a video we posted. Ki made a video about a post Selena posted. It was a picture of her in a bikini in 2013. In this picture there was two pictures first picture was her as she was in 2013 and she looks stunning in her bikini. The second picture was the picture that was used by many to say how horrible she looked. And that’s just downright mean so Ki thought that she would make a video to remind Selena how she did look sexy and that size in 2023 all the way down to 2013. Ki posted a picture of every year from 2023 to 2013. We are hoping she has people around her that are reminding her. What a bad ass girl she is and how she looked awesome every year since 2013. So I do hope that she will regroup herself and know that she can have that body. Just don’t settle. I was in fitness my whole life where I taught classes, trained, was a massage therapist, physical therapist assistant and nutritionist. And I know for a fact by all my clients that follow my routine and my nutrition plan that they can lose weight and they can have the body and achieve the goals that they are looking for. So someone please do tell her. I have lupus with many issues and it can be a little challenging but you can get to a place of what you want to achieve.

Keeping things moving let’s dive into what Justin Bieber and his little wife Hailey are doing. So I looked into it, and it seems that the Justin from when Hailey came back from Paris is no longer that Justin. In fact, Justin seems to flip-flop about his feelings. But one thing is for sure is that Justin is content with himself, he’s content with doing his projects, and with his different sports that he enjoys playing. As his relationship goes with his wife, not so good, I’ve gone too many sources and I’ve done my own research as well. The man does not touch the woman in public. His hands are always firm in front of him or in his pockets , it truly seems like it’s just a PR marriage so seeing so many pictures of the same thing I went to my source and showed them what I see and was told that Justin is very content being a companion with Hailey.

The NHL project was an amazing opportunity for Justin and he’s so thrilled to be a huge part of a sport that he truly loves. Getting up on stage was so hush hush. Why? Because he is not supposed to be performing, or making money performing and getting paid unless it’s under his contract. So Scooter is rather upset. So the big announcement was that he was going to perform but then he realized he couldn’t say it. Like when he was on Kid Laroi song for his new album. Instead of saying he was a part of the project, he said that he just happened to be hanging out in the studio and overheard him singing and joined in🙄

The staff at the venue History said he started off nervous, his voice was shaky but he gained his confidence and pulled off an amazing show. He is over the moon excited to be there and being a part of this project. And to be received so well, made it so much more enjoyable and exciting.

Lastly Selena posted a selfie in bed, people ask me why she has to do this public. Like when she posted how she feels when Benny leaves. Why wouldn’t she just text him. Why does she have to post it so that the whole world can see. All I can say is, Selena has her reasons. So let’s just leave it there for now!

We have a free zoom on Sunday 2pm & 8pm eastern time. Come and join. You don’t have to show your face, or talk. You can write your questions in the chat. Please DM me. 🩷

PS: It took me a few days to get this out. Hope you enjoy. Any questions come join or zoom!